Opleiding zoeken: 1863 resultaten
A total of 1863 items found.
Showing 1863 items on page 2 of 233.
9 - 16 van 1863 resultaten
Kan je een organisatiecultuur veranderen? Met getuigenis van Plopsa
KU Leuven
16 sep. 2024
0 Euro
Organisatiecultuur is de sociale lijm die medewerkers verbindt. Ze bepaalt hoe medewerkers samenwerken, beslissingen nemen en hun taken uitvoeren. Hoewel 'cultuur' moeilijk in woorden te vatten is, is de invloed ervan op een organisatie enorm. Hoe ga je aan de slag met iets wat zo weinig tastbaar is? Voor al wie inzicht wil krijgen in de invloed van cultuur op prestaties en welzijn binnen een organisatie, en benieuwd is naar praktische strategieën om een gezonde cultuur te bevorderen.
Lesmoment: Dag
Edge Intelligence Unleashed: Mastering Embedded AI for Industry Advancement
KU Leuven
16 sep. 2024
1200 Euro
AI is gradually becoming an integral part of production chains and business processes. In this summer school, we will examine in detail how machine and deep learning can be applied at the device level. The training, for professionals interested in applying machine learning and deep learning to embedded systems in their respective industries, will give you a solid theoretical foundation on embedded AI, supplemented with practical tools to use in your own work context through a hands-on approach.
Lesmoment: Dag
Micro-credential GaN Technology and Design
KU Leuven
16 sep. 2024
1200 Euro
In this microcredential you will learn from leading companies in the chip industry about the process steps of a GaN chip, the different GaN technology flavors and the challenges of GaN design and their influence with regard to power and RF applications. It also includes a visit to imec (Leuven) and the GaN fab of BelGaN (Oudenaarde). The course targets a broad audience. Participants should have (or obtained through equivalent experience) a bachelor or master in a technical field.
Lesmoment: Dag
MOOC Urban Food Systems
KU Leuven
0 Euro
Food is crucial to life. However, due to extreme climate change and rapidly rising populations, secure food access is not always guaranteed. Learn which factors shape food systems in the context of urban growth and land-use patterns. You will learn about food accessibility, food choice, foodsheds, food safety, urban agriculture, urban food governance and more.
Lesmoment: Dag
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MOOC Artistic Research in Music – an Introduction
KU Leuven
0 Euro
Artistic research (AR) is one of the most vibrant areas of creative thought in music – in the academic and professional worlds, but also among artists of all kinds who want to develop their practice by working and thinking coherently through its implications, questions, context and potential. Learn in this course about the topics, issues, and approaches of artistic research in music – research in and through musical practice - vital to today’s musicians and music culture.
Lesmoment: Dag
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MOOC: As above, so below: An introduction to soils, ecosystems and livelihoods in the Tropics
KU Leuven
0 Euro
The tropics are as beautiful and diverse below-ground as they are above-ground. Soils form the foundation of sustainable development. They grow our food, are a habitat for organisms, buffer water,.. It is therefore important to understand how soil properties vary across tropical ecosystems and landscapes, and how these properties affect biodiversity and livelihoods. Learn how to use knowledge about the natural variability in soil properties for the sustainable management of ecosystems and farms.
Lesmoment: Dag
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MOOC Existential Well-being Counseling: A Person-centered Experiential Approach
KU Leuven
0 Euro
Explore existential themes in your personal and professional life. Develop strengths and counseling skills to improve your well-being and the well-being of others. This course will teach you how to live fully as a human being, in this body, on this planet, while at the same time being conscious that you are just a small part of a vast, incomprehensible, universe.
Lesmoment: Dag
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Docent@Ned (Online traject, start 16 september 2024)
KU Leuven
150 Euro
Docent@Ned is een digitale cursus vakdidactiek Nederlands als Tweede Taal binnen de Educatieve Master Nederlands Niet Thuistaal aan de KU Leuven. Docent@Ned is een online cursus en bevat een startpakket dat bestaat uit drie interactieve basismodules. Doelgroep zijn NT2-docenten en andere geïnteresseerden uit het volwassenenonderwijs en OKAN-leerkrachten