Opleiding zoeken: 1871 resultaten
A total of 1871 items found.
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1393 - 1400 van 1871 resultaten
Postgraduaat Vermogensbeheer
Hogeschool Odisee
23 sep. 2024
Kostprijs: zie website
Het rendabiliseren en duurzaam in stand houden van vermogens, zowel voor private als voor institutionele klanten, is een boeiende en veelzijdige discipline die een hoge mate van vakkennis inzake beleggen vereist. Het postgraduaat Vermogensbeheer focust daarbij niet alleen op roerende beleggingen, maar besteedt ook aandacht aan vastgoedinvesteringen.Deze opleiding in beleggingsleer en vermogensplanning wordt georganiseerd door EMS (EHSAL Management School), een samenwerking tussen de Odisee Hogeschool en KU Leuven.
Lesmoment: Dag
Postgraduate Course Animal Behaviour Technician
Hogeschool Odisee
23 sep. 2024
Kostprijs: zie website
Many pet owners do not succeed to provide proper care for their cat, dog, rabbit or horse. Owners are often misinformed. There are too many unqualified ‘professionals’ working in the field and too few institutions to obtain a recognized qualification. That’s why pets develop health and behaviour problems, they experience a poor quality of life and the human-animal bond breaks down. In some cases the dog, cat, rabbit or horse will be abandoned or euthanized. Let’s prevent this! The foundations for a lifelong happy human animal bond are created when proper care is given. This includes providing the biological, behavioural and emotional needs of an animal. At Odisee we want to improve the welfare of companion animals. We train you to become a professional in the animal care sector. Odisee has been providing these accredited courses based on the latest scientific knowledge for 15 years.
Lesmoment: Dag
Personenbelasting grondige snelcursus
Hogeschool Odisee
23 sep. 2024
1550 Euro
Lesmoment: Dag
Postgraduaat Fiscaal Recht en Fiscale Praktijk
Hogeschool Odisee
23 sep. 2024
Kostprijs: zie website
Lesmoment: Dag
Micro-credential Mathematical Techniques for Problem Solving in Engineering and Science
KU Leuven
343 Euro
Mathematics is the most essential tool in any STEM professional’s toolbox. In this microcredential course, you will learn fundamental mathematical techniques from Linear Algebra and Calculus used in STEM domains, critically reflect on these through pertinent examples, and practice the concepts with the use of applets and exercises.
Lesmoment: Dag
MOOC Research Ethics: a guide for responsible research with human subjects
KU Leuven
0 Euro
Learn to identify the key ethical issues in human subjects research, to critically reflect on these, and to practically approach them through experts’ lectures and interviews, case studies, and interesting exercises. Geen vaste stardatum, vrije instap mogelijk tot september.
Lesmoment: Dag
Postgraduate Certificate: Medical Physics
KU Leuven
450 Euro
After a master’s degree in medical (radiation) physics, this postgraduate program offers a further specialization. Apart from a limited set of courses, it mainly consists of an internship in one of the 3 specializations, i.e. radiology, radiotherapy, or nuclear medicine. This provides you with the necessary hands-on experience to work as a medical physicist, primarily in the clinical environment of a hospital but also in (medical physics-related) industry, in government services, or in research.
Lesmoment: Dag
Postgraduate Technovation: Teams & Startups
KU Leuven
23 sep. 2024
1750 Euro
Are you seeking a unique and challenging learning and working experience? And are you an (almost) graduated student with a strong interest in working on a technology project, either as part of a team or in your own start-up?